Saturday, November 11, 2006

Lest We Forget

Just a few words this morning. Today, Remembrance Day, is a day for silent reflection. While I generally regard myself as a pacifist and shake my head in frustration at man's capacity to wage war, I think it's important to remember those who have perished fighting for what they believe was a just cause. Yes, war is stupid, yet it seems we'll never live in a wholly peaceable world. Thus there will always be a need to honour and show genuine appreciation to those who willingly sign up to defend something as nebulous as "our country" or "our freedoms." (Yikes, I hope I'm not sounding too much like a raging patriot or George W. Bush!)

This year's Ottawa service, most of which took place in a driving rain (and was marred somewhat by CBC's terrible technical feed), seemed to be particularly moving due to the seemingly larger amounts of younger people involved, primarily the widows and children of young soldiers who have died in Afghanistan. (And today is not a day to post my feelings on that mission.) But I can be a little "soft" when it comes to this kind of stuff and have a tendency to be overly emotional at these types of ceremonies. (I feel a little vulnerable this morning as well - not sure where that's coming from.)

If you're curious about Canada and its role in the first World War - and really, Canada came into its own as a country during WWI - check out this site that Library and Archives Canada has put together.

1 comment:

pdiva said...

thanks for the 'lest we forget' site. I hadn't come across it in my class research. The Battle of the Somme and Canada's execution of shell-shocked soldiers and soldiers who refused to be slaughtered needlessly (due to Haig's moronic, short-sited military strategy) after this event has really stayed w/me. Australia was encouraged to do the same, but refused. Not a proud moment in our history to be sure. Canada coming into it's own is debatable. Mainly propaganda.