Monday, November 06, 2006

The man with the metal mouth

So I guess today's news is that, for the first time in my life, I have braces on my teeth. Not surprisingly, it's a pretty big deal for me. For one, it requires something of a change in my eating habits: even something simple as my traditional breakfast (cereal, toast and an apple) has to be reconsidered. (I'm going to have some cream of wheat tomorrow. I just need to go out and buy some brown sugar. What's cream of wheat without brown sugar?!) I've been told to only eat soft foods for the first 24 hours. There's a tin of tomato soup in my cupboard with my name on it...

The procedure itself was pretty simple and painless. And the braces themselves aren't bugging me as much I expected. It helps that the braces are only on the top teeth - my orthodontist decided I don't need them on the bottom. And the arch wire (all these new terms I'm learning!) is not yet across my four front teeth. The braces themselves are, but he wants some of the other teeth to shift first before he deals with the front ones. (In fact, I don't think the two front teeth will be moving at all.) Still, they are metal and they are a new introduction to my mouth, so naturally there's going to be an adjustment. The amazing thing is that there are no elastics at all in my mouth. I have a relatively new type of braces called self-ligating, or "speed," braces. My orthodontist has been using them for about 3 years now and he says they are a benefit to both doctor and patient. Anyway, I'm sure some of you who read this site will eventually see me with the braces and you can give me a critique - or mock me mercilessly.

I know I promised to write about the whole thought- and decision-making process into getting the braces - including a discussion of the "tipping point" - but my heart isn't in it right now. But soon, I promise. I'm predicting that it's going to a lengthy post. Stay tuned!

To assuage any strange feelings I have about undertaking this braces project, I bought myself a nice bottle of single malt scotch. Seems no harm can be done to the braces with a bit of single malt swirling in my mouth...


j-love said...

Just wait until the first time they adjust or tighten those braces! I remember that pain - you'll appreciate your single malt even more.

Congratulations on the new metalwork.

dawnatello said...

WTG on the braces. that is a milestone!!